Hampson, 1901, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 3: 19; 1212. Idalus daga. Empusa daga, Dognin, Le Nat. 1891, p. 125; id. Lép. Loja, p. 82, pl. 8. f.3; Kirby, Cat. Het. p. 904. Head and thorax white; antenne brownish; palpi above and frons tinged with fuscous ; vertex of head, tegule, and patagia tinged with orange; metathorax with two black points; pectus in front with orange patch ; legs with black points; abdomen orange above with dorsal series of white points, the extremity and ventral surface white ; wings white. Fore wing with black streaks on a brownish patch at base from costa to below median nervure, some crimson at base of inner margin ; an oblique yellowish-brown irregular medial band with two black streaks below costa, a spot above vein 6, bars on each side of discocellulars, points above veins 5 and 4, a streak above vein 2 and two in submedian interspace extending to near termen, and a streak above inner margin placed nearer the base ; three subterminal black spots between veins 4 and 7. Hab. Venezuria, Aroa; Amazons, Olivencas; Ecuapor, Loja; Perv, Chanchamayo,1 Male. 40 millim. Subsp. 1. dares, Druce, A. M.N. H. (6) xiii. p. 354 (1894); Biol. Centr. Am., Het. ii. p. 366, pl. 73. f. 23. The patches on pectus and dorsal surface of abdomen crimson, Hab, Costa Rica (Zurcher), 2 Female type, Godman-Salvin Coll Seitz: I. daga Dgn. occurs in 2 forms; in typical daga from Venezuela to Peru the abdomen above is orange- yellow, whilst in dares Drc. (45 d) from Costa Rica it is above dark red. Across the dorsum of the abdomen a coherent row of white dots; the white forewings tinged yellowish at the margins show at the base, proximal margin and right through the middle small black transverse streaks arranged similarly as in the preceding species. This species also nearly resembles in its colouring the Automolis-group critheis-pichesensis (50 k, 52 a).